What's Your Passion?
So. I have a confession, dear reader. I. love. Great.
Television. Not great in the “win every Emmy” sort of great. No. I love a great
drama. I love a great reality show. I enjoy great storytelling whether real or
imagined. It is simply how I relax after a long day. A good meal. A glass of adult
juice *cough cough* wine and I’m set!
I think it’s because it is a space where I feel I can relax.
A space where my soul gets rejuvenated. Give me one hour with Olivia Pope and
my world transforms just for a little while. You see, for me to be the best
version of myself, I need this space to cultivate and re-center so that I can
be the best me in my true passion.
When I was a kid, I dreamed of traveling the world. When I
grew up, I knew exactly how to do that. I’d marry rich, and….nope. Wait. That
was a Lifetime movie. I was much more realistic than that. I knew to fund my
travel, I needed a day to day job. But I knew that work, whatever it was,
should be something that had all the elements of the ways I refuel myself. The
storytelling like a great show, the problem solving of a great drama, and
I have been fortunate to have found that twice in my careers.
I spent many years working in the world of human resources and now in real
estate. When I shifted careers, I had to figure out how to weave together what
I was good at and what I am passionate about. I did a great deal of
introspection and remembered that I frequently asked the following questions
when I mentored colleagues in the HR world:
- What is one thing about your current career you love?
- What is one thing about your current career you dislike most?
- What are your skills?
- Who do you admire?
- What did you imagine yourself being when you grew up?
You see, these questions made me think about my time, my
talent, and my treasure. They lead me down a path of self-discovery. I began
thinking of the houses I lived in, my passion for interior design, the
storytelling that I enjoy from television, all of the amazing places I’ve been.
Through that process, I rediscovered and cultivated a new passion. And in that
rediscovery, I found a new version of me.
One of my favorite writers, Dr. Brené Brown, is a brilliant
sociologist and writer. She once said in an interview
with the creator of the Happiness Project, Gretchen
Rubin: “I don’t have to chase extraordinary moments to find happiness –
it’s right in front of me if I’m paying
attention and practicing gratitude”. (Seriously, if you are not
into Dr. Brown’s work, check out her top TED talk on the Power of
Vulnerability. It really might change your life!)
I challenge you (and myself!) to look for the moments of
peace and gratitude this week. Look for the moments in your day that quietly rejuvenate
your soul and figure out a passion that aligns with the answers to the
questions above. Take good care of yourself 😊
- The Power of Vulnerability TED Talk: https://www.ted.com/talks/brene_brown_on_vulnerability
- Forbes’: Gretchen Rubin’s Interview with Brené Brown: https://www.forbes.com/sites/gretchenrubin/2011/07/15/i-dont-have-to-chase-extraordinary-moments-to-find-hapiness-its-right-in-front-of-me/#261d19384351
Want to continue your learning? Check out these quizzes:
- Gretchen Rubin’s The Four Tendencies Quiz: https://gretchenrubin.com/2015/01/ta-da-the-launch-of-my-quiz-on-the-four-tendencies-learn-about-yourself/
- How You Self Sabotage Quiz: https://www.positiveintelligence.com/assessments/
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