New year... BETTER you!

It's January 11th as I write this and I'm so excited to begin this new year with all of you. I took sometime after the holidays to totally regroup and rebrand myself, and I'm still working on the finishing product. However, I was itching to write this post to catch up with you all and give some helpful tips for a prosperous new year. Like many people I'm sure you have set goals, realistic and unrealistic, to kick off your  2018! As many people know that New Years Resolutions often time stop working out around day 8, or never seem to happen at all. So, to give you a pick me up I've got 5 tips to make your goals and dreams happen in the new year. I'm sure you'll gather at least one little nugget to use for the new year to help you out.

1. Write it and make it plain!

The first step to actually reaching your goals is writing it down with actual pen to paper. I know now a days everyone uses their phone, but it's something different when you write it down and place it up somewhere were you can see. For instance, this year I have goals that I'd like to meet for my company. In my office area I sat down, wrote what I wanted, and placed it on the bulletin board. It's helpful to see the numbers I want to reach each day, and it is very motivating to look up at them throughout the course of my workday. So what are your goals? Do you want a promotion? To start your own business? Give it some deep thought and don't try to make goals that you are just comfortable with. Push yourself to reaching goals that seem impossible right now.

2. Set a date

A great way to actually attaining your goals is to give yourself a deadline. Goals without dates are just dreams. Within business people like to hit their target at a certain point during the year. It's important to give yourself adequate time to reach these goals. Do your research to see what time frame you should give yourself and check back in monthly or weekly to see what you have reached.

3. Accountability

With any goal or dream you need to have an accountability partner to keep you on track. It's very easy to give up when things aren't going as planned, however having someone to cheer you on and encourage you is essential in accomplishing your goals. A great accountability partner is someone you trust, someone that isn't afraid to tell you to work harder, and someone who is honest with you in your progress. This person could be a mentor, a best friend, or a family member that can hold you accountable and that talks to you pretty often.

4. Have Fun!

The worst thing you can do while working toward your goals is to forget to enjoy your life during that time. Many people, including myself, will work all day and night and forget to enjoy the life we're given. So, this is when you have to schedule times for you to do something enjoyable. Usually this can be a weekend night out with friends, a trip to the mountains, or a date night with your spouse. I'm talking specifically to my entrepreneur friends because I know we can get consumed with work and miss out on life. For your sanity and relationships learn to balance your time and sometimes unplug from work.

5. Self Care

While reaching your goals sometimes we forget to take care of ourselves. I am always harping on self care because I know the value in it. To keep a float I have to take time out for me to regroup. At least once a week you need to spend sometime alone doing something to better yourself. Whether it's enjoying a good book, going to a coffee shop for your favorite drink, or taking time out to get a mani/pedi it is crucial that you take care of yourself this year. I harp on this so much because I know so many people forget about themselves while trying to reach a goal, and it can truly be destructive for your body and your mental health. So, set out a time weekly that you can just "do you" and not worry about work, or your weight loss goals, or the kids. Just enjoy being with yourself and taking care of your mind, body, and spirit.

So what are your goals that you want to reach? How are you going to do things differently this year to stay on track? Let me know in the comments below what you're working on. I'd love to hear from you!


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