On my husbands first day of 12th grade his teacher stood at the front of the class and wrote on the black board, "Excuses only satisfy those who make them!" My children learned this phrase quite early in life, and echoed it to each other the moment someone uttered an excuse for not completing or trying a task. In teaching them this I shared in creating resilient little humans whom learned that excuses didn't have to be for everyone.

I wonder what excuses you are making today? Are you avoiding taking a trip because you're afraid to go alone? Do you operate in fear so much to the point that nothing is attainable anymore? This week I want to expose those fears and teach you how to turn them into power. You do not have to sit wishing and hoping for the day you can do whatever it is you want to do! You can start now simply by stopping your excuses and proceeding on with greatness. Let's dive in to see just how to stop the fear and live your dreams.

1. Address the fear

What is it that is holding you back from doing what you want to do? How long have you dealt with this fear? What is the worst thing that could happen? These are questions you must ask yourself to really figure out what is stopping you! Are you afraid of flying? What is the reasoning and when did that fear begin? Are you afraid of asking for a raise or starting a business? What would life look like if you lived without fear, without excuses! Journal asking yourself these questions and truly spend time answering it truthfully. If you find yourself in paralyzing fear more often than normal, I suggest talking things over with a therapist. Therapy is a healthy and safe way to expose fear and learn techniques to properly beat it! Don't be afraid or ashamed to seek extra help. You will not regret it!

2.Plan, Plan, Plan

"A goal without a plan is just a wish!" I'm sure you've heard this quote time and time again, but it still reigns true. Failing to plan will get you no where. I always wanted to travel and see the world, however to accomplish that I had to plan my finances out. I researched exactly where I wanted to go, and planned from there putting away small amounts of money for a trip I wanted to take. Even the smallest things need planning. Say you want to eat healthier and exercise, you can't simply stop eating poorly and run 10 miles a day! No, you have to plan! You have to begin changing your diet, planning your meals and workouts, setting goals for weight loss etc. Planning is essential and you WILL fail without planning.

3. Take Baby Steps

Whatever it is that you want to accomplish you'll have to take baby steps to get there. Sometimes throwing yourself all in into a new experience is a little too much. My daughter struggles deeply with social anxiety. I would never tell her to go into a jammed pack night club to overcome her fears. Instead, I encourage her to go to small functions with her family and friends. This way her confidence can get built up in being around people. You can try this method with almost anything. Whether it's losing weight, traveling, dating, etc. Baby steps are the best way to get your feet wet!

4. Just Do It!

Like the famous Nike quote "Just do it"! At some point after a baby has gotten their bearings, fell a few times, got back up, and learned to walk, they simply just do it! In your case that's EXACTLY what needs to happen. So, take the trip, ask for the raise, run the marathon, do exactly what you want to do! You'll be so happy that you did!


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