Getting your life back on track!

As a mother of three I am well aware of how it easy it is to get wrapped up in your children's lives. So much so that you might just lose yourself. I spent years having to shed the baby weight, give myself some quiet time, and learn how to focus on myself a little more. I'm sure many parents can relate. So, this week I wanted to focus on how to get your life back on track. Whether having a new born baby, transitioning to a new position, or simply realizing "it's time". I want to guide you through my transition to freedom, and teach you some easy ways that you can to. So let's get started.

Admit the problem

The first thing is to admit you have an issue. This might sound trivial and easy to do, but finding the realization that you have lost yourself is the first step to freedom. My personal wake up call came when I was looking through photos and realized how much weight I had gained. As a child I was always very small and frail. Often time teased and picked on for how small I was. But after having two 9 pound babies and a 7 pounder. My body had taken control. I was miserable in the weight I had allowed myself to get too. It wasn't until my early 40's that I truly began realizing that my weight, and some of my life was out of control. Maybe you an relate? So, the first thing you have to do is realize that something has happen. Whatever that something might be. It could simply be that you lost track of exercise like me, or maybe you have lost yourself after a terrible breakup. Whatever it might be, admit the problem, journal about it, and confess to yourself the truth of what is going on. 

Create A Plan

Creating personal goals for getting out of the funk and onto your life can be a challenge. That's why I typically use the SMART goals format when making my goals. When I was switching careers I had no clue what I wanted to do at the beginning. I took the time to create a plan that was effective and had a time limit. If you are not familiar with the SMART goals idea it is very simple. See below for a break down on how to develop your SMART goal.

S - Specific - Make your goal intentional and reasonable. Try your best to make it as specific as possible.

M - Measurable - Effective goals are able to be measured with time. To do this make sure you are giving yourself "check-in" times of where you would like to be with your goal.

A - Achievable - Goals need to be achievable. Make it realistic but also lofty. You don't want to sell yourself too short, or go to high. A great example is with weight loss. Weight loss takes time and will not happen overnight. Making a goal to lose 1-2 pounds a week is achievable and practical. Do this when it comes to any goal you might have.

R - Relevant - Like I said in letter 'A'. Having a relevant and reasonable goal is essential. Try to make goals that pertain to your actual end goal. Nothing off the rails will help during this time. Ask yourself questions like "Is this the right time?", "Does this match my end goal", "Does this seem worthwhile?" These questions are great resources to you when uncovering your SMART goal.

T - Time bound - Time limits are essential. You should look at this very careful and be honest with the time that you allot yourself for any goal. Maybe you are wanting to shift careers, get healthier, or start a business. Whatever it might be give yourself an allocated amount of time that makes sense with who you are and where you are right now.


So you're ready to move forward with getting your life back. You've admitted the issue, come up with your goals, and now it's time for the work. This is when you have to put your all into this. There are no short cuts to getting you back. Whatever the circumstance it will be hard, it will take time, and you will need to be patient. For instance, if you are wanting to be a business owner there are efforts that you will need to make before engaging in your business. Research everything and learn as much as you can. Or maybe you are wanting to lose the last bit of baby weight. Well, what does your day to day life look like. It might include getting up earlier, finding a personal trainer, or joining a running group. Whether it's big or small it's time to go. So this is the time where you need to put your best effort into everything you do. Being intentional everyday about reaching your goals, and little by little you will see your growth.

I hope that these small changes will make a big difference in getting YOU back. Whatever your goals are you are fully capable of achieving them at any age that you might be. I am so happy to help encourage you as you begin getting YOU back. You deserve all the greatness, all the time, and all the goodness that life has to offer. Continue to get your life back and let me know your progress. I'd love to hear from you!

Have a wonderful rest of your week!



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