How To Change Careers at 50!
"Anything you want to do, especially pertaining to your work, you can do yourself. You don't have to wait on nobody." - Ntozake Shange
Many people wake up at 6:00 a.m. dreading what they have to do for the next 8-10 hours. Whether working in an office, or not, there are millions of people working just to pay the bills. I, myself, was one of those people. Day after day, going to a place that wasn't aligning with what my dreams were as a child. But what if I told you it is possible to have the exact job that you want? What if I told you that despite your age you can start your dream career? You can wake up and actually want to go to work. You can wake up and actually work for yourself. All those long hours that you spend making millions for someone else can fully go to you. What if this were possible? Would you do it? Of course you would in fact many would jump at the chance to do it, but it sounds like a fantasy world. Something that can't happen. Something we've placed in the depths of ourselves and never let come out again. Well, I'm here to debunk those theories, and to teach you how I made my hobby into a career at 50 years old.
Many men and women have taking the plunge and re-done their lives and their careers. Whether it was Ava DuVernay who didn't pick up a camera until she was 32 years old, or Julia Childs who didn't learn to cook until she was 36. It is completely possible to accomplish your dreams and make a career in your later years. Let's explore how you can accomplish this, and what is necessary to do to make it possible.
1. What did you want to be as a child?
The best way to start working for yourself, or simply doing the job that you want, is to remember yourself as a child. I use to teach leadership classes often, and when we would discuss what our gifts were, I would ask my class this question. What was it that you wanted to do when you were 8 years old? Would your 8 year old self be satisfied with who you have become? Have you let the world talk you out of your dreams? Some people feel like they can't stretch their mind back that far, but do some true digging and you can do it. Maybe you wanted to be a fireman, a doctor, a lawyer, an artist, or actor, whatever it is that is the biggest clue to what you were created to do. Listen to your younger you, he/she has all the answers you need.
2. Be open to change
Change is constant. In fact it's the only thing constant in life. So you've decided to work for yourself or enter a new career path, well expect a hail storm of change. This change might happen by you doing it, or someone else doing it for you. My change came at an accelerated rate when I decided to leave my last position. It was time for me to go, but I didn't know to what. I scoured my mind constantly for what life would be like when I left. And life was full of change. Change in finances, change in my mental health, change with my job security, just change. After doing a lot of soul searching on what my younger self wanted, I also had to accept that my entire life was changing. Fortunately it was for the good.
3. Do your research
It's nothing worse then jumping out a ship with no life vest on. The same goes for changing careers or being a business owner. You NEED to do research. What that might look like for you could be different. If you want to be a designer, you will need to know all the trends and new styles, what the market wants, what the consumer needs, and what you can add to it. Every career path has different functions that are needed in a particular job. YOU have to make the effort to figure them out, and to do your homework to be ready for the job you want. This might include taking courses, reading more, listening to podcast, and scouring the net for answers. Whatever it looks like, lock into it, do it well, and do your best.
4. Save your coins
Having a business is costly. It takes tons of time and even more money. The best thing to do before leaving your day job, is don't. Unless you feel it's best. It's important to stack up your money for the needs you might have. For instance, if you need to go back to school you'll need money to survive, or if you want to set up your own jewelry line you'll need to purchase the products needed. Everything cost money. It's smart to have yours saved up. You also can consider developing a business plan for your business. Get comfortable with sharing this business plan to anyone that might be interested. Investors are a MAJOR KEY, and they may help you in getting to the point you need to be.
5. Believe in your dreams
The biggest step to take when wanting to change careers is believing you can do it. It is vital that you believe that you are capable of meeting your goals. It is also important to make your goals big, wide, and terrifying to you right now. I was 51 years old when I went to real estate school. 51! My classmates were often in there 20's and 30's and it was a struggle for me being in a classroom format again, but I didn't give up. I spent hours studying my class material and preparing for tests, and it paid off. While many people try to negatively say that often the real estate exam has to be taken multiple times before passing, I passed my first try. I believed in myself so much I made it a personal goal to take this test one time. That's what you have to do! No matter your age, your size, what you think you can and can't do, YOU have to believe in your dreams. You have to believe that you are fully able to do exactly what you want. You have to put the work in and try your best to accomplish what you want.
In the end I hope that you are inspired to live the life you want and have the career you want. Despite your age or your appearance you are worth a meaningful life. A life that is full, beautiful, deep, and wide. Continue to reach your goals. Let me know in the comments what you wanted to be as a child and if you are doing that now. I'd love to hear from you.
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