Health After 40... 4 Ways To Get Back to YOU!
Life after 40 for some women seems like the perfect time to get back into shape. The kids are old enough to take care of themselves and now maybe you're ready to take care of you. Trust me I know the feeling. Not only did I hit the beautiful age of 40 without even noticing, but after having three children my small youthful
frame turned into a size 20 without really realizing how I got there. For years
I ate whatever I wanted whenever I wanted. I would constantly beat myself up
about my appearance, missing the days I would eat Big Mac’s to GAIN weight.
Yep, those were the days... Finally I got to a point where I was fed up. Maybe
you’re at this point in your journey? Where you’re sick and tired of being sick
and tired. Well, I am glad you’re reading this. A healthy lifestyle works from
the inside out. I have 4 tips that will get you back to feeling and looking
your best. This isn’t a get skinny quick scam, but I can guarantee with a
little determination and hard work you will reach your goals.
Quit eating out! Yes, I know it’s easy. It’s
easy to stop by Wendy’s or Chick-fil-A and get exactly what you want, but I’m
here to reassure you this will not work. Preparing your own food will
drastically change how you feel. Many fast food restaurants have healthier
options, but who goes to Chick-Fil-A and doesn’t order some fries. Honestly!
LOL. So, instead of making that stop set up a few days out of the month where
you can enjoy those quick meals. On all the other days prepare your own foods.
I PROMISE you will see weight loss and higher energy if you quit the fast
foods. One of the easiest things to do is go to Publix or your local grocery
store, pick up a rotisserie chicken and a premade salad and throw the chicken
on top and BAM there’s your meal!
Take a walk! Sounds easy right? But man this was
hard when I first started my healthy living journey. I remember living in Virginia
wanting to lose weight and saying I would walk to get it off. Boy did that not
work. One of my girlfriends and I would make every excuse not to get out there
and get moving. Sometimes it’s hard to just get the motivation to start, but
you have to start somewhere. So, here’s an easy thing to do. Walk once around
the neighborhood. If that’s too much get a walking DVD and walk right in your
family room. Don’t look at the amount that you do, because whatever it is it’s
more than what you were doing. I walk every single morning and I have seen a significant
improvement. Not only is my mood better, but I am able to mindfully walk and
have my quiet time for the day. It’s a great way to clear your head!
Take care of your inner self! No matter what you
believe, or who you believe in, the inside of you is just as important as the
outside. How terrible is it to meet someone in great shape with a terrible
attitude! I’d rather be overweight and kind then skinny and mean! So, to get
your insides looking just as pretty as your outside I suggest you do some hard
work in there too. Some people pray, meditate, or speak affirmations to themselves.
I personally enjoy starting each day with a thankful heart and saying what I’m
thankful for that day. You can also read helpful books to help you center yourself.
My daughter Briana taught me all about mindfulness, which is when you focus all
your attention on one thing. You can mindfully walk, eat, or play a game with
your kids or grand kids. All of this is good for your insides and I guarantee
will have a positive effect on your life.
Take care of your skin! I had to add this tip
because skin care is so very important. Did you know your skin is the largest
organ on your body? So I take it that you should take really great care of it!
My go-to products for skin care is Clinique 3 step process. I have been using
this for 20+ years and swear by their formula. Next time you’re in the mall I
suggest stopping by their counter for a consultation for your skin. I also
highly suggest drinking water. Not only is water good for simply making you
feel better, it makes your skin glow. Remember that gorgeous pregnancy glow?
Yes, you can achieve it again without the baby in tow. Just drink some water
throughout the day and you’re sure to see that youthful glow emerge.
And that’s it! Whew! Now, of course these tips require
maximum effort on your part. You can’t stop after a week because you don’t see immediate
results. CONSISTENCY IS KEY!!! I know it'll be easy to quick, but don't. Get out there and keep fighting, keep being determined, and don't you dare give up.I’m
rooting for you and wish you the best of success.
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